Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Persevere Work


Persevering in the Work

The Doing of Good

Oct 29, 2005

Saying For Today: Stay in fellowship with Me, trust Me, and the work will bring much pleasure to you and Me, and much good to others.

For years William Wilberforce (1759-1833), possibly the most well-known of the abolitionists, contended with the British Parliament to abolish slavery. Discouraged, he was about to give up. John Wesley, an older friend, heard of it and on his deathbed called for pen and paper. With hand trembling, Wesley wrote, “Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them stronger than God? Oh be not weary in well-doing! Go on, in the name of God and in the power of his might, till even American slavery shall vanish away before it.”

Wesley passed on five days later. Wilberforce, thankfully, contented against slavery for another forty-five years. In 1833, three days before he passed, Wilberforce saw slavery abolished in Britain.


8If you follow your selfish desires, you will harvest destruction, but if you follow the Spirit, you will harvest eternal life. 9Don't get tired of helping others. You will be rewarded when the time is right, if you don't give up. 10We should help people whenever we can, especially if they are followers of the Lord. (Galatians 6, CEV)

13As for you, brothers and sisters, do not grow weary in doing good. (II Corinthians 3, ESV)

Spiritual Exercise
Does you calling or use of a talent for helping others ever get discouraging? Wearisome? What is that like? Pray daily for both the strength and faith joyfully to do the work you are called to do. Do not rely on yourself, but simply be available, daily, to God. Do the work, then, leave the results and responses of others to the Spirit. If you do these things, you will enjoy your calling and doing good deeds for others.

“My friend, I am the Spirit of Love. If you turn to Me, relying on Me only, I will give you the strength to do any work I call you to do. Persons can be fickle, but I am faithful. Stay in fellowship with Me, trust Me, and the work will bring much pleasure to you and Me, and much good to others. I do not judge your efforts by the responses of others. Even if you have few results and face much opposition, or are ignored by most persons, you can labor long and with joy, if you let Me companion you and grace you daily with My Presence. See I love you so much, and I want you to enjoy using your gifts. And, remember, when I walked the earth, I was not able to help most persons: really, only a small group. So, be content; be thankful for those few persons who enjoy your helping them. All other persons, simply love. They are mine, too, and they will receive help when they are ready. Trust Me. I Love You.”

Brian's book of mystical love poetry,
An Ache for Union, can be ordered through major bookdealers.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Persevere Work

©Brian Wilcox 2024